I am Makio, a founder of 123ish!

I decided to launch this project in March 2015 when I realized that available time to explore knowledge and gain experience is strictly limited within 24 hours a day, yet there are so many things that I don’t know even though they may change my own life drastically. Time is the most precious resource for us, and to make the best use of time, it is important to have appropriate priority.

I hoped to have a tool that helps me prioritize my interests, navigates me to cultivate my own skills and potentials, and find things to buy, place to visit, and virtually anything that you spend time for. That was also the time I determined the object - “123ish LLC will provide a Social Network Service that navigates the users through the discovery of the best solutions, tools, places, people, products, and ideas for their specific interests and matters of living.”

My personal life? I currently live in OH with my wife. To be clear, 123ish is 100% independent business from my full time job. I grew up in Japan and came to the US in 2001 for a postdoc in biological research. So my long time professional interest has been in the area of Science. But since coming to the US, I also got interested in Computer Science and went to MS program for it. At the last semester, my life course changed for forever because I took a class about entrepreneurship and got superexcited to learn what the real independence means. Entrepreneurship finally jumped into my sight as a Must-Do. At that time, I was 33 years old. Surely I didn’t think it was too late for me at all to become an entrepreneur. So, my interests expanded from biological science to computer science, statistics, and artificial intelligence, and I recently started to spent some time for participating in the kaggle competition.

I enjoy reading historical books, traveling historical places, and going for hiking and fishing. Fishing used to be my favorite, and it was the best way of embracing and interacting with nature for me. Regular exercise helps me stay fit physically and mentally. I also used to cook a lot when I was single and everyone’s favorites were my Japanese-style curry, hamburg steak, and tiramisu. The great thing is my wife cooks very nice meal everyday now, and so my daily involvement in cooking is only dishwashing which is so painful and I hope AI takes over sometime soon.

For 123ish, I do 初志貫徹.
