Why Bullet Gem? For this Rails optimization, we'll focus on optimizing repeated SQL calls to retrieve objects associated with many relationships: N+1 queries problem. The solution to such an issue is an eager loading association. Unoptimized N+1 affected code takes a significantly longer time as N times additional SQL calls are needed. But, we should be careful when using that eager loading approach. This because unused eager loading can deteriorate our Rails app performance instead of improving…
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This article is selected for 123ish 3D Gold Coin Art Collection NFT I'm here to tell you about a vegetable menace that is the AIDS of the plant world. If you live in most parts of North America, these plants have you surrounded. They're butt-ugly brown sticks thrusting phallically into the sky in unnatural rows, crowned by a spidery fright-wig of spikes. They look like a raspberry on a stick. I'm talking, of course, about the omnipresent palm tree, found everywhere in your city. It doesn't matter…
Score: 2.7
Jackie Chan is an internationally recognized actor. He has one of the most impressive careers in terms of the number of movies he starred in. He is almost universally loved around the world because he used to portray the capable but clumsy type that has to fight his way out of a predicament, usually with hilarious and spectacular results. The man is a perfectionist and over the years he has developed his own style of shooting a movie that has yet to be matched by his contemporaries. He is known…
Score: 2.63
Dreams are a natural reaction of the brain, mostly during the REM phase of sleep. Everybody dreams, although some of us don’t remember much the following morning, mistakenly believing that we dream very little or not at all. Sometimes, usually by some external stimulant out of our control, we are jolted while inside a dream, not enough to fully wake up but enough to regain some of our natural waking state while inside the dream. Imagine suddenly realizing that you are standing in the middle of…
Score: 2.02
If you can read this, you're not living in a dystopia! You know how teenagers end up so negative, depressed, and pessimistic? Maybe it's because we shove gloom and doom down their throats as part of their required reading. In the United States, George Orwell's mid-20th-century dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four is heavily picked by teachers as required reading for students, and the blues don't end there. Here is a list of required reading titles for American high schools, let's see how negative…
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Best Magic! the Gathering Sealed Products - A Guide to Strategic Investment in Magic: The Gathering
by PenguinPete
Score: 1.34