First There Was The Greatest Advertisement Ever Made:
Hear me out. This is brilliant, and I will explain why.
For now, if you have not seen The Ad That Melted The Internet, here it is. My advice is to play it slow, with subtitles / closed captioning turned on, so that you hear every word and ONLY the words contained in the ad.
This ad has the power, like The Shadow, to cloud men's minds. People hear everything they want to hear in this ad. People are posting all over the Internet claiming they heard messages from the spirit world and all kinds of crazy stuff in this ad.
Transcript of this ad:
Is this the best a man can get? Is it?
We can't hide from it. It's been going on for far too long.
We can't laugh it off, making the same old excuses.
But something finally changed, and there will be no going back.
Because we, we believe in the best in men.
To say the right thing, to act the right way.
Some already are, in ways big and small.
But "some" is not enough, because the boys watching today, will be the men of tomorrow.
That's it! About ninety seconds. And then this hellstorm happened. The Manbois took the bait!
Second, Who Are The Manbois?
There is no easy collective noun for these people. Yet they obviously marshal under one, because they act as one entity, in concert. We may not recognize them, but they know each other instantly. The Manbois march under many flags, but all of them are related…
Unit #1:
There's The Red Pill. This is an organized male-supremacy hate movement, although it calls itself "men's rights." As you might guess from a movement which scarfs its metaphors from the crappiest science fiction trilogy since the Gor series, they already have a loose grip on reality.
The Red Pill movement started with Neil Strauss' The Game, a book which reads like Hitler's sex fantasies. On the surface, that book is about "speed seduction/pickup artist methods." Internally (i.e. screaming from every page but the cover), it lays out a plan for society that makes The Handmaid's Tale look like daycare: A world where muzzled, chained women are slaves of all men to be used as furniture, and all who oppose this ideal, including "cuck" "blue pill" (non-Red-Pill males) or even gay or trans men, are to be put to death.
I'm not kidding, read it yourself. There are two books that have made me physically nauseated, one was Mein Kampf and the other was The Game.
Unit #2:
The Incel movement (allegedly "involuntarily celibate") is simply stage two of the Red Pill: If you didn't get what you want through Red Pill philosophy (which bodes for a 100% failure rate after all), it's time to take the Black Pill - a declaration of jihad against all the infidels. Again, on the surface it means "resigning yourself to a world which you will never convert to Red-Pill-ism" but you can see where the nihilist reasoning takes somebody in that state.
Gather your nerves and get ready to take the plunge into how these people reason: There is a whole "manosphere glossary," because these hate groups have their own unique cult language which keeps members indoctrinated through rigidly hate-skewed reasoning. Members of this hate cult reinforce each other.
Did you think I was kidding when I said "jihad"? Scratch any domestic terrorism incident in the English-speaking world in the 21st century. They were one of Incel, Red Pill, or Black Pill.
Unit #3:
/r/The_Donald, a Reddit subgroup devoted to the worship (no, not respect, not support, but actual "worship") of US president Donald Trump. It should come as no surprise that the most bigoted, openly misogynistic president in history and the women-hating cult get along. Members of one tend to be members of the other.
But really, when you get to Trump-ism, the "Alt-Right," Sovereign Citizens, and other whackadoodles, what you're really talking about is these guys:
That was an actual modern American Nazi rally. Don't let them get away with lying about it. The Confederate flag, the Libertarian flag, and the Nazi flag all in a row because they 100% mean exactly precisely the SAME THING. This has happened numerous times in the US in recent memory. These groups are active, public, flaunting, and so far unchecked.
Again, not just in the US, but all over the world.
But if we're on the subject of the most recent US presidential election, if you think the run-off between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump got a little misogynist there, well, duh.
Nevertheless, these guys all seem to be united around one, simple complaint: They "can't" get a girlfriend.
I say "can't" because they clearly CAN get a girlfriend if they lower their expectations enough (yes, there are desperate women too; go find one), but they're mad because they can't get a supermodel girlfriend. Or because they aren't being fanned with palm fronds and fed peeled grapes while controlling a harem of supermodel slaves like Jabba the Hut joining the Mormons or something.
Anyway, it seems to be a hate group focused on the burden of one, particularly prominent organ on the male body, which is apparently not alpha enough to get its needs met. For some, small, short, millimeter reason. "Toxic masculinity" is certainly a great term for it, but meh, too long.
So I'm Calling Them Manbois
You can't go far in Manboi culture without running into that Reddit factor. Black Pill philosophy has led to some spectacular Reddit-centered incidents in the past:
- The Fappening - pirated celebrity photos being shared - Manbois believe all photos of naked women, with or without consent, belong to them.
- #GamerGate - a domestic terrorism campaign against female programmers - Manbois believe no woman should have a career, only lowly jobs of servitude.
- Ellen Pao's firing from Reddit - hate and harassment groups were getting banned from Reddit after Pao became CEO and surprise! - There goes another person with a vagina daring to have a career.
- The great child porn banning - yes, there were subreddits freely sharing naked pictures of underage girls under brand names like "creepshots," and there was an outcry and backlash when they got banned - Manbois also believe all females, from baby age, are their personal chattel.
- Pizzagate - the utterly deranged alt-right smear campaign claiming (no really!) that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was running a secret child porn ring in the basements of pizza restaurants - Manbois have no irony filter.
- A second Fappening incident - more pirated celebrity photos - and this happened just this month in 2019.
- In the current Gillette controversy, what does the Trumpist cult zero in on? There must be a FEMALE behind the ad campaign! Gasp, pearls clutched!
And as long as that list got, that's barely shaving the tip of the iceberg of Manboi incidents in the 21st century. Standing against the Manbois:
One Lone Razor Commercial
Here's where we get to the genius of the Gillette commercial.
Because refer back to that transcript, there were no names named, no fingers pointed, just "hey guys, let's stop being such dicks to each other." And the Manbois took the bait because they cannot help themselves.
The calls for boycott started immediately. Gillette ads "hate men," says the Manbois, despite the ad going out of its way to show it's just some men. The Irish Times graces the Manbois with the undeserved cloak of "men's rights activists," but calls 'em out otherwise. Reddit's surrogate image server IMGUR is tiled with Gillette backlash still.
As is typical Manboi strategy, every justification under the Gorean sun is clutched for why they happen to hate this ad. "Oh, it's virtue signaling!" Yes, as opposed to iniquity signaling, which is what Manbois do.
"Blub-hoo, snivel, it's so preachy!" Ooooh, preaching without a license, a major crime! "I just don't like the directing!" Funny, there are ten thousand commercials in the world every day, but THIS ONE is the one that got you whinging, huh?
And then here comes no less than Stephen Colbert:
That's very funny, Stephen, but it's time we fight fire with nuclear warfare. What these guys are, are A HATE GROUP.
An organized, solid, indoctrinated group. The Manbois are the second coming of the Nazis, point blank. They have used the Internet to form a self-reinforcing support network of nihilistic psychopaths, validating each other into a gaslighted trance. They're not just limited to the United States or Reddit, but spread to the Western English-speaking world and all corners of the Internet at large.
And you can tell them by their reaction to this razor blade commercial. That's the beauty and genius of the Gillette ad (whose creators deserve a promotion, BTW): It's a Voight-Kampff test (see, the rest of us can use bad scifi metaphors too) for Manbois. If you're not a Manboi, you see a positive, uplifting, refreshing message.
If you are a Manboi, you see a declaration of war. The Manbois have been covertly declaring war on society for years now, so maybe that's a counter-declaration, but Manbois, being psychopaths, have no sense of right and wrong. To them, they're being attacked for NOTHING!
Let's Take Back The Definition Of Real Men!
And as a male, as a father of four, as a husband of twenty-six years, as an intellectual, as a civilized person, I, personally, have been under attack by the Manbois for everything I stand for.
Every non-Manboi reading this has been too. That's the irony of "men's rights," suddenly they alone get to define what a man is - and if you're outside the cult, you suddenly find your man card revoked to be called "cuck," "blue pill," "faggit," "wimp," "weenie," or "a traitor to your gender."
Men, those of you who don't need to join a hate-group just to empower yourself, it's time we acknowledged that we are victims of the Manboi movement too. And we, being more in tuned with the world so as not to be at war with 80% of it, get to define masculinity too. Shall we, gentlemen?
Real Men aren't threatened by a razor commercial.
Real Men want progressive change.
Real Men aren't insecure about their masculinity.
Real Men aren't insecure about their sexuality, either.
Real Men don't have to cut others down to make themselves feel bigger.
Real Men aren't knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who push back at every step of civilization because it threatens their "Alpha" status.
Real Men aren't defined by primate gender roles - we can bake pies and replace a transmission, fight a bear and push our daughter on the swing, get a girlfriend and treat her as an equal human being.
Real Men do not send death threats over the Internet to silence points of view they don't agree with.
Real Men don't blame their problems on people of a different gender, race, orientation, or social standing.
Real Men ARE the future, fighting to escape our primitive, un-evolved, animalist roots to embrace a brighter, happier, more peaceful tomorrow.
"We can't hide from it. It's been going on for far too long."