Chef's Tips for Better Burgers Burgers might just be my favorite food. Now, there's not a thing wrong with the good old-fashioned American Cheeseburger, in fact, it's awesome, but if you feel like expanding your horizons just a bit, here are my three favorites "gourmet" burger styles, as well as some tips for cooking a better burger. All the patties for these recipes are prepped and grilled the same way, so it's easy to make a big batch of one recipe, or set up a burger-bar and let your guests choose which style they want to try. Pan-searing your burgers in a hot skillet is a great method as well!
Four “Better Burger” Tips
· 80/20 ground beef
· Chill patties 15 minutes, after forming
· Season AFTER grilling (except salt)
· Toast buns for flavor and burger stability
· I like to sear my burgers REALLY close to the fire, so I flip my top grill over so that the grates are resting directly on the coals. You can also “re-purpose” an old flat grate from another type of grill. Works great!
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