Before proceeding to the income inequality, we have to know that what inequality is? Basically, inequality refers to the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc than other people. It is an instance of disparity. There are various factors, which we consider when we talk about inequality such as: ➢ Social Status ➢ Wealth ➢ Opportunity for people or groups etc. Based on the above definition, income inequality is an uneven distribution of income among the population. It is often presented as the percentage of income to a percentage of the population. Causes of Income Inequality There are various causes of income inequality like ➢ Unemployment ➢ Inflation ➢ Tax Evasion ➢ Regressive Tax ➢ Education and much more. Development in innovation arguably leads joblessness at all skill levels. It reduces the involvement of human power in various sectors as computerization take holds over it. Jobs involving repetitive tasks have largely been eliminated…
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