"I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions." -- Robert Anton Wilson What Is Going On With Trump and Russia? Hanged if anybody knows! For a brief recap: U.S. president Donald Trump is suspected of having colluded with Russia in exchange for Russian interference in the 2016 election, arranged with Russian president Vladimir Putin, which won Trump the office. Now entering his third year in office, an investigation is underway by U.S. Attorney General appointee Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, which could lead to Trump's impeachment and removal from office. So far, the Mueller investigation has indicted numerous Trump cabinet officials, campaign officials, and associates. This includes a signed confession from Trump's foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, a guilty plea from Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn, a guilty plea from Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen, an F.B.I. raid on Trump adviser Roger Stone, and a 25-count indictment of Trump's campaign…
There is an old saying that goes: "The greatest lie the devil ever told was convincing the world he didn't exist." The Present
Author will paraphrase that to fit our topic: The
Greatest Lie Russia Ever Told Was That The Cold War Is Over. Oh, we thought so! We had our Reagan / Gorbachev moment, with all that mushy perestroika and glasnost and goodwill getting gooey all over each other. Anybody remember the
feel-good wave we all had as the Berlin Wall came down? Jesus Jones launched us into the '90s with "Right Here, Right Now" bursting with naive Generation X optimism, and David Hasselhoff showed up in a glowing piano jacket and sang a song about how we were all free from our problems forever. You expected them to conjure John Lennon back from the dead to declare this the Lord's Millennium of peace. Yeah, that was all bullshit. Despite the fact that Russia
signed a new constitution in 1993, including some remarkably western-like ideas like article
29, which guaranteed freedom of ideas…
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