When I was in high school, I had one goal. Get into a good college so that I can get a good job and support myself in the future. But now as I have finished my bachelor’s degree I am looking back on what decisions led me to decide to go to a traditional university; however, that’s the weird bit. I don’t remember making any decisions about my future…. Almost as if going to college was the only option and was what was expected. But was it the best option? And have other people in my life had the same experiences? And why has going to a traditional four year university become the only acceptable option after high school? Stress of STEMI am a liberal arts kid all the way, but I do understand that in our current society and world that STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs are incredibly important, but I do not approve of what I have experienced because of this stress on STEM. When I was in high school (2010-2014) was when the STEM surge first occurred. But I went to…
a million geek gift lists out there, but this one is mine! What makes my gift list this year different from everybody else's? Sure, you can technically argue it's by
me, but what else? Well, I take a different
attitude towards it.
I recommend stuff I either own presently or would like to have.
I stick to non-franchise stuff. Yes, I know, Baby Yoda owns Christmas 2019 already, but what's the point of sticking him on yet another list anyway? What if you somehow found somebody who is not a Star Wars fan? (CRAZY, but horrifyingly possible!)
I stick to fun stuff. You can get me practical, useful stuff the rest of the year. Christmas is for spending all day playing with your fun new toys.
I ignore collectible figurines. They're out there if you want them, God knows somebody has to rescue ten million Funko Pop figures from landfills. But I go for the stuff you can actually play with.
I recommend geek toys for any age, but steer clear of intentionally educational STEM-marketed stuff.…
Score: 1.02
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