I live in an area of WV that has an extremely high opioid addiction rate. Many people are addicted to other substances as well (like alcohol or cocaine). I have several friends and family members that are in recovery. When someone you love decides to go into recovery it's important to show them support. Here are some things you can do to help someone if they're in recovery from addiction. 1. Remember that addiction is a "family disease". An addict isn't the only person that suffers from their addiction. Their friends and family also suffer. They can suffer because they have had to watch addiction take its toll but they may also suffer because the person lied or stole from them. Addiction can cause a lot of pain for many people. So it's important to recognize that and realize that you may need some time to recover yourself. If you possibly can you might want to see a therapist or join a support group for loved ones of people with addiction. 2. Learn about addiction. Addiction truly is…
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