Human migration is as old as humanity. We are a species that for tens of thousands of years or more have been on the move. So why is it that there are still deep divisions about those who move around the planet?The idea of there being finite resources in a given region comes to mind. But in a globalized world, we have learned how to engineer problems associated with the distribution of resources out of the equation. It is commonly heard from opponents of migration that those who are migrating are somehow inferior to those already in a place. Or that local resources cannot support newcomers to a region. Of course, these viewpoints neglect the obvious. The same people who complain about newcomers do not necessarily complain when certain people who already live in an area birth new children. To these people, there always seems to be enough resources for babies that just so happen to look a specific way, or so the argument goes. People migrate for different reasons. Like those who leave a…
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