I was an EMT for about 5 years and I learned a lot about heart attacks. When most people think about heart attack symptoms, they think of stabbing chest pain. But that isn't always how a heart attack presents and this is especially true when it comes to women. Women tend to have much less severe signs and symptoms than men. Many people don't know that though, which is dangerous because a woman may have a heart attack and not seek out medical help. Regardless of what's going on with your body, if you think something serious might be going on you should always go to the doctor. But here are some possible signs and symptoms of a heart attack that you should know about. And even though these tend to be more common in women, men can also suffer from these less common symptoms. 1. You might experience chest discomfort but not always in the form of actual pain. Your chest might feel tight or you might feel a lot of pressure. It's easy to mistake this for indigestion or gas but it could be a…
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