There is a surge of superficiality in the world right now, a trend that has, regrettably, also influenced me. I have had a date with destiny that was long overdue and been faced with the harsh reality that I ultimately created for myself. It was brutal, and I had to deal with the consequences of my poor life choices, only to discover that I was ill-equipped for real life. This is a tale of caution but also one of hope, depending on your perspective. People, under enough pressure, will change their ways. If that change is for the better, is something that each individual has to decide for him/herself. In the past, I used to be a passive-aggressive a-hole in my day to day life. I worked the minimum amount necessary to be considered valuable to the company that I worked for, I entertained a small number of shallow relationships with the people around me, just enough so that they kept talking to me, and I spent my time dreaming of a better tomorrow and endlessly imagining how one day…
We have been taught to strive for success for as long as we can remember. This is the directive beaten into our heads since we could understand language and it is one of the main goals we set for ourselves. We know that achieving mastery in a field is the way to go because it was told to us so often, that it became a core belief in our psyche. We were also told that the road to success is not an easy one and that we would have to endure many hardships along the way. This is all true, but the definition is incomplete. Success is on one side of the coin while failure is on the other and it is just as important as success in our development. Because we live in a comfort-based society, many of us learn to stay away from the stress and pain that failure brings and choose to avoid it in any way possible. This prevents us from building experience, mental toughness and the means to deal with the bigger problems that will inevitably hit every one of us, eventually. By avoiding the little…
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