In a world where being connected to the Internet is less of a luxury and more of a requirement for many, it is no surprise that the WiFi speeds are beginning to slow. As more and more people use WiFi and begin to overuse networks in highly populated areas the speeds will begin to decrease and the rate of annoyance among users will increase exponentially. Universities, restaurants, airports, even hospitals are beginning to notice that the load speed and connectivity is exponentially decreasing. So as is with every other technological advance, the advancement is never finished. Once a new discovery is made and the minute it is implemented, we begin to find ways to make the technology even better. But I am getting ahead of myself. So first of all, what is Li-Fi? The principle of Li-Fi is fairly simple: Li-Fi stands for light fidelity. Now, before we can understand how Li-Fi is possible, we must first understand how Wi-Fi transmits internet and data to your smart devices. Simply put, Wi-Fi…
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