"I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions." -- Robert Anton Wilson What Is Going On With Trump and Russia? Hanged if anybody knows! For a brief recap: U.S. president Donald Trump is suspected of having colluded with Russia in exchange for Russian interference in the 2016 election, arranged with Russian president Vladimir Putin, which won Trump the office. Now entering his third year in office, an investigation is underway by U.S. Attorney General appointee Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, which could lead to Trump's impeachment and removal from office. So far, the Mueller investigation has indicted numerous Trump cabinet officials, campaign officials, and associates. This includes a signed confession from Trump's foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, a guilty plea from Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn, a guilty plea from Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen, an F.B.I. raid on Trump adviser Roger Stone, and a 25-count indictment of Trump's campaign…
So stop fawning over him and look at his policies. Now, white, gay men aren’t leading with Pete Buttigieg’s sex appeal. But they don’t have to. Their actions, celebrating him like he’s the next cumming of Jesus Christ, read loud and clear. I’m not discounting the exciting proposition of an out, gay candidate for any office. I yearn for far more diversity among our elected officials, but not at the expense of policies that will help the LGBTQ population, and us all. Let me be clear. I, too, would sit on Mayor Pete’s face. But only to shut him the f**k up from saying all that racist shit. And that equivocation shit. And all that self-serving shit. For a few weeks now I’ve been seeing Pete Buttigieg mania everywhere, especially among white, gay men: social media, corporate media, conversations with white, gay male friends. And it’s gotten to the point where I felt it necessary to dispel some myths about the two-term Democratic mayor from South Bend, Indiana. Sure, Mayor Pete, as many call him…
Us Democratic Party Vectors by Vecteezy Has it been 4 years already? My, how time flies when your country is held in the iron grip of the new Nazi reich! Why, just a few ICE roundups ("The goal is to terrorize"), concentration camps, and blatant systematic sex trafficking barons, and it's like the first term of "I still can't believe he's president" Trump just flew by! Yet oddly, we have all aged a couple centuries in four years. Which makes my job here as a political prophet this election season that much more dismal. Our only hope in the United States is the Democrats. You can forget all the pretenses of party affiliation right now. "Republican" and "Democrat" mean nothing in terms of being conservative, liberal, or deciding how to run the country. As of now, Republicans are openly out to destroy the world in a giant apocalyptic fireball and Democrats are just the people mildly murmuring a token resistance. There's no such thing as political parties right now; there's just barely…
I don't volunteer to write about politics, you know. They make me here. I am of course glad to rave about the circus clowns as much as the next guy, I have my tweets and stand by them. But in the big picture, I know it doesn't do any good. The United States has transcended politics now. Elections, primaries,
democracy, laws, impeachment, parties, these things mean nothing in
the United States. They mean nothing because that's what the people
want them to do. It doesn't matter
at this point whether Donald Trump is removed from office or not. Pretending that removing Trump would fix everything at this point is like pretending assassinating Hitler would have stopped World War II. A new despot would have simply risen to take Hitler's place. Hitler was nothing without the country that brought him to power. The same case is true of Kim Jong-Un, Rodrigo Duterte, Xi
Jinping, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and of course Vlad
Putin. The United States has even proven this to itself before. We went into…
It is time we faced the music, Internet fans: We broke everything. Social Media was a mistake. None of us are close to understanding how or why, but apparently we have created a monster. Social media seemed harmless enough when it came along. Social media was nothing but an extension of the exact same Internet we'd had for decades. Believe it or not, there is very little difference between modern Reddit and Usenet circa 1990. There's also very little difference between modern Twitter and an AOL
chat room decades ago. Even before the now long-forgotten shared virtual network Second Life (bet you forgot that one!) wasn't that different from a MUD (multi-user dimension) towards the end of the 20th century, only with better graphics. So WHY has social media been at the forefront of what we can only assume will be the human race's downfall? What is so dangerous about the idea of letting everyone communicate all over the world instantly? Apparently, social and anthropological science has been…
Score: 1.06
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