After five years of experience as an Emergency Medical Technician-basic (EMT-B), I've decided to pass my knowledge of the field along to the rest of the world. Although my journey was a good one, there are definitely some things to consider before getting into this line of work. Unfortunately, too many people become EMTs without really knowing what they're getting into. If you're considering a career in EMS I'm here to show you the good, the bad, and everything in between. Different Levels of EMS Providers First off, you should know that there are typically four levels of EMT certification. This can vary from state to state but generally, you have CPR driver, EMT-basic, EMT-intermediate, and EMT-paramedic. A CPR driver's (sometimes called a CPR technician) duties include driving the ambulance during an emergency and assisting their partner with patient care. Although they can't ride in the back with the patient, they are not simply "ambulance drivers". They are trained in CPR and…
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