We live in a competitive society that pushes every individual to become the best that he can be and contribute to the economic rise and social recognition of their respective countries through hard work and innovation. That sounds like real progress in a forward-thinking global community, but not everybody is game. There are certain individuals that oppose this progressive mindset and decide to go against the flow of modern, headway thinking. I am not going to state opinions about this whole category, but rather a subdivision that is pretty much useless to them and society as a whole: losers. First, we need a definition of the loser to tell him/her apart from the average Joe so as not make any confusion between them. According to http://www.yourdictionary.com/loser (since I couldn’t find any comprehensive definitions, probably due to everybody’s moral obligation to be politically correct): “The definition of a loser is a person who is defeated or disadvantaged, is habitually failing or…
We all want the good life. We want to succeed in what we do and reap the financial rewards to ensure a comfortable lifestyle that practically eliminates the worries that come with not having enough money. Suppose you make it, and after a long and arduous journey, you get everything that you decided to get. You now have a stable financial income, the bank account is nice and fat, the future is looking bright. Do you really stop there? The reality of it is that most people who have made their dreams come true will continue trying to accumulate wealth. This is a logical progression in a businessman’s career. After having proven his/her worth, more business possibilities will arise, appealing to the opportunistic nature of a career-oriented man/woman. In time, these people will overshoot their initial goal by a large margin, and end up having an obscene amount of money. The financial stability has long been secured and yet the business is still booming. Why shouldn’t they take advantage of…
For anyone unaware of the current political situation here in America, President Trump has backed to the hilt his nominee for the supreme court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, despite all of the news circulating about Kavanaugh’s sordid past not just with women, but with alcohol abuse among other concerns. Now, the one thing I will agree with Trump is that it should be innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent; however, I figure this is how men have treated women for how many hundreds of years so it’s about time they get a taste of how the other half lives. In this piece, I will be reflecting upon my experiences and thoughts during the hearings and news coverage (for context, my news coverage rader is from BBC World News, NPR politics podcasts, CNN, MSNBC, and a bit of FOX just to round out all of the potential biases so I can see a story from as many perspectives as possible). The specific source I will be sighting below is the Time Magazine article entitled: “'A…
Let me fill in some personal background as quickly as possible: When it comes to faith, you could define me pretty close to agnostic. My wife of 25+ years is a lapsed Catholic. There's no real conflict here, but our respective cultural backgrounds give us a different attitude towards religion in general. Christmas is a secular affair for us; when the kids lived with us, it was all Santa and presents. Since we joined the empty nest club, Christmas is an excuse to goof off and relax for me, actually I smirkingly pretend to celebrate Christmas while inwardly considering it "Yule," since Western society has seen fit to rip off the Pagan holiday and rebrand it as Jesus's birthday with the serial numbers filed off. For Mrs. Penguin, it's pretty much the same, but she adds in the ritual of staying up til midnight to watch the Vatican's Midnight Mass. I watch along with her, but for me, it's something to marvel and gawk at. Occasionally I'll look up from my eggnog and laptop gaming session to…
Score: 1.02
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