is the keyword for the 21st-century economy. There is no
such thing as a stable corporate empire now. If you need a perfect definition of "nouveau riche," look no further than Crypto
Castle, and the preening Jeremy Gardner, the poster child for the
cryptocurrency millennium millionaire. Before you cheer too loudly
for the fresh face of a new generation, remember that forty years
ago, Boomers were a bunch of hippies having love-ins in Central Park.
What's this guy going to be in forty years? You better hope he turns
out nice.
came the Internet, the World Wide Web, and Amazon. Retail malls dried up gradually in an event we now call the "retail
apocalypse." The wealth shifted, from big-box retailers to indie web kiosks, which then grew to replace the
malls. There's a whole category of urban explorers on YouTube whose
entire channel is about filming dead malls. The founding of this art form is credited to Dan Bell:
came the
gig economy. Employers had…
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