I started out, many years ago, grilling with a good old fashioned Weber Kettle, the most popular
charcoal grill in American since, well...ever. 😉 Sadly, these marvels of simplicity rarely get used to their full potential. Sure, you can grill up endless burgers, dogs, and brats…and they’ll be awesome, but let’s look at some advanced (dare I sayHome Chef?) techniques to take
this old classic to the next level! I have used the Weber to make everything from jerky, to smoked salmon, to traditional Southern Pulled Pork, to authentic Texas-Style Briskets and Pork Bellies, and I’m going to show you how to, as well. Direct vs. Indirect There are two basic styles of grilling, direct & indirect. Direct Grilling Direct grilling cooks your food “directly” above the hot coals. Best for searing and charring foods that you want to grill quickly.Of course, with this higher heat, you have to be more watchful to ensure that foods, especially those with sugary marinades or glazes, don’t burn before they’re…
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