Okay, I hate to break it to you, but you can't cure the common cold. Come on now, if I knew the cure for it I'd be rich. But there are certain things you can do to make your suffering a little more bearable. Before we get into ways to alleviate the cold let's talk about antibiotics.You don't need them. You might be thinking, "But don't I need them to help prevent bacterial infections that might happen as a result of complications from the cold?" No. "But maybe I have a virus and a bacterial infection?" Nope. The cold is a virus and there is no cure for it. And let's be honest here, we all tend to exaggerate a little when we are sick. But you know if you have a cold or not. And if you don't know, let me break it down for you. To put it in blunt terms, a cold is pretty much all in your face. Your nose is stopped up, you're producing more nasal mucus than usual, you might have a headache, you might have a sore throat due to post-nasal drip and you might be more tired and weak than usual…
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