So it's Penguin
Pete here, your semi-faithful fan of the long-running collectible trading card game Magic: The Gathering,
with some good news and some bad news. In fact, both good and bad
news are distributed in several discrete bundles, so I'll get around
to parceling them out longways here.
bad news: COVID-19 killed paper MTG
good news: Wizards made MTG Arena to take up the slack
bad news: Wizards designed the game
good news: But this time they had Hearthstone to copy
bad news: They copied Hearthstone
good news: At least this time they copied a decent example so it's just barely playable
First, let's recap How We Got To This Point in Magic: The Gathering (MTG) history. When MTG first came out in the early '90s, it was going around in my nerdiest friend circles until I had to try it. And I had to say, it was an innovative game. The thrust was that it encoded a hermetic
system of magic into cards. Some cards were land cards that could represent the mystical currency "mana," while…
Score: 1.22
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