Hello Fresh is one of many meal box kits you can subscribe to. But is it worth it? My roommate and I decided to try it out the other day and here are my thoughts. The pros of using Hello Fresh They have different plans so you should be able to find something to suit your family's needs. In my case, I just wanted a few meals to share with my roommate so we went with their 2 meals for 2 people a week plan. We both have really different tastes when it comes to food and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find any meals that we would both like, but that wasn't the case. Choosing your meals is really easy too. And there isn't a meal you like that week, or if you just don't want a meal to be delivered (for instance, if you're not going to be home) you can just log into the website and tell them to skip that week. They also do a great job at keeping your food ingredients cold so if you aren't home when the box comes, you don't have to worry about the food going bad. The box is insulated and has…
Score: 1.02
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