We live in a competitive society that pushes every individual to become the best that he can be and contribute to the economic rise and social recognition of their respective countries through hard work and innovation. That sounds like real progress in a forward-thinking global community, but not everybody is game. There are certain individuals that oppose this progressive mindset and decide to go against the flow of modern, headway thinking. I am not going to state opinions about this whole category, but rather a subdivision that is pretty much useless to them and society as a whole: losers. First, we need a definition of the loser to tell him/her apart from the average Joe so as not make any confusion between them. According to http://www.yourdictionary.com/loser (since I couldn’t find any comprehensive definitions, probably due to everybody’s moral obligation to be politically correct): “The definition of a loser is a person who is defeated or disadvantaged, is habitually failing or…
What does it mean to be a winner or a loser? Our topic today is looking mighty deeply into the goals of life itself. Bear with me! 123Ish author Dominus took a crack at the concept trying to tie down "The Loser Mindset" - But really, what constitutes winning and losing in today's society? There used to be goalposts, but now they've moved. Just recently, NY Magazine pondered why so many Millennials now seem to identify as Socialists. When the story posted on Reddit, commenter Sam474 rang in with a pithy observation: See, American kids are brought up to believe that "America is the greatest country in the world," and that they must work hard and sacrifice a lot to be successful. Then they get online and find out that Europeans get free health care, free child care, free school, years of vacation time, employment insurance… on and on. They get jealous, and well they should. European systems aren't even pure Socialism, just a blended Socialist Democracy. They have just as much of a free…
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