The year is 2018, but for some reason I still feel as if I’m trapped in 1918. I am a woman working three jobs and pursuing my master’s degree on a track towards my Ph.D.; and yet for my family, somehow that still isn’t good enough. When I go home I am hit with a barrage of questions: “When are you going to stop and settle down? Men don’t like it if you are too smart, you know.” “You are not going to be able to have children forever you know, the clock is ticking!”
“Aren’t you dating? I know some really nice boys your age who would be perfect and could take care of you.” Regardless of intention, regardless of whether they believe these things are what is best for me, it makes it incredibly difficult to have a strong connection with my family when it feels as if they don’t understand me at all. These questions and ones like them go on and on, as if to say that the only way to be accepted as having any semblance of self worth is through finding a husband and having child and not due to my…
How I Came To This Crazy Conclusion... The freelance writing business takes you on some unexpected adventures. Over the holidays I was doing research work for this one client regarding the political leanings of corporations, which included punching the names of lots of companies into the site Open Secrets. It's a strange world there. In the first place, there's some debate as to whether corporations should be meddling in politics on the financial level at all. But beyond that, the logic behind corporate political donations is baffling. Many of them donate near equally to both Democrat and Republican parties, basically saying "We don't care who wins, we just want to make sure we have a friend when they get in."
Wal-Mart - Lately donates to both parties with a pronounced Republican lean, but during the Bush, Jr. administration went all in for Rs.
Target - Went all in for Republicans during the Bush years and well into Obama's first term, now leans slightly Democrat since Trump took…
Score: 1.06
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