I've been watching a new show on Netflix called Altered Carbon. It's based on a book by Richard K. Morgan and takes place in a futuristic society where rich people can live for hundreds of years (or possibly forever). A new technology has allowed people to be implanted with a disk called a "stack" in the back of their neck which stores their personality and memories. When your body dies, as long as your stack is still intact, it can be put into another body. When someone is put in prison, their stack is removed and put in storage and their body is given to someone else. Rich people can afford the best bodies and some can even have clones of themselves made. But if your stack is destroyed there is no coming back. Then you're really gone forever. The main character, Takeshi Kovacs, was something called an envoy. Envoys have incredible instincts and fighting skills. They were all killed off except for him. He was arrested and put in prison until 250 years later when a rich man named…
Score: 1.58
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