I’m a big believer that bbq and grilling should be a part of everyone’s meal planning all year ’round. In fact, I find that my appetite is sharper when cooking in colder weather, and food out of the smoker, or off the grill… like these steaks, taste better. Amazing Traeger Steaks Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes smoke, 10 minutes cook Pellets: Oak 2 – 1 1/2 inch thick Rib-eye or New York Strip steaks Seasoned salt to taste Herb Butter (see recipe below.) Season steaks on both sides. Start your Traeger on smoke with lid open for 5 minutes to get started. Close the lid and allow the interior to heat up for an additional 10 minutes. Place your steaks on the grill in the SMOKE mode, and cook for 30 minutes. Then take them off the grill and set aside. Turn your Traeger to HIGH. When the grill reaches 400 – 425 degrees put the steaks back on the grill, and sear for 5 minutes per side for rare to medium-rare. Because you’re cooking in an enclosed environment, you don’t have to flip…
Score: 1.04
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