We all want the good life. We want to succeed in what we do and reap the financial rewards to ensure a comfortable lifestyle that practically eliminates the worries that come with not having enough money. Suppose you make it, and after a long and arduous journey, you get everything that you decided to get. You now have a stable financial income, the bank account is nice and fat, the future is looking bright. Do you really stop there? The reality of it is that most people who have made their dreams come true will continue trying to accumulate wealth. This is a logical progression in a businessman’s career. After having proven his/her worth, more business possibilities will arise, appealing to the opportunistic nature of a career-oriented man/woman. In time, these people will overshoot their initial goal by a large margin, and end up having an obscene amount of money. The financial stability has long been secured and yet the business is still booming. Why shouldn’t they take advantage of…
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