In recent period, financial status and monetary issues are of utmost importance. So, through some online research, books and gathering that data along with my personal experiences, I have come to spot out five major money excuses that maybe hurdling or blocking your way to money multiplication. But before moving onto those excuses, you need to be clear in your concept on what a financial statement is. Financial statement is actually a statement that shows how much you own after you pay off your debts. In other words, we can call it Net Worth:Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities Net worth depicts your financial status, how much assets you own after you pay off your liabilities. Down here, we are going to discuss each of the excuses separately and we’ll also try to map out some of the possible solutions. EXCUSE# 1 ‘SORRY! CAN’T BUY ENOUGH TIME TO MAP OUT BUDGET AND FINANCES’ The excuse that you would hear most frequently from your family, friends or other colleagues as a lame defensive…
The latest buzz words in the world of business investment (no pun intended), and daily conversations among common folks are without a doubt, “Bitcoin, “and possibly “Cryptocurrency.” The former, in particular, have gained a global appeal and prominence, in part, due to a meteoric rise in price (almost 20 fold increment) from a lowly $950 USD at the start of 2017, to a high of nearly $20,000 in December of the same year. But what exactly are “Bitcoin” and “Cryptocurrency” and how do they work? It is important to bear in mind that a lot of people don’t know much about these topics because of their complexity and technical nature, but I shall walk you through the basics of what you must know in order to have a sound grasp of the world of Cryptocurrency by providing key definitions of terms and making things as clear as possible. A BRIEF HISTORY Against the backdrop of many unsuccessful attempts to create a decentralized digital cash system in the 1990s, a mysterious fellow named Satoshi…
The world of cryptocurrency has witnessed some changes of late, because mixed feelings are emanating from many nations about regulations that will determine how they handle them, and notable among these countries are the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and India among several others. It is important to mention this, because the uncertainty has resulted in a massive sell-off in nearly all the major cryptocurrencies, and with the bears dictating the market direction of bitcoin. Well, that is a topic for another day, but in the meantime, we shall be looking at a few critical aspects of cryptocurrency technology and they are ‘blockchain,’ and ‘mining.’ WHAT IS A BLOCKCHAIN? Blockchain can be regarded as a shared database that is filled with entries which must be encrypted and confirmed. Blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions of some sort that cannot be corrupted. Blockchain is like the internet because it allows digital information to…
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