NB: To have a better understanding of the subject matter of this feature – lying, reading the previous article entitled “Unraveling Truth and its Many Faces,” is a necessary requirement – a pre-requisite.
In the previous article I wrote the discussion focused on some of the most common criteria of truths, which oftentimes, taking for granted; or if not, most people are just unware of. The main contention I presented on the said [article] is, whenever one is talking about truth, there must be a ground for it. Truth is something that is not just a verbal claim, an intellectual assent, but it must be founded on something. As what the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, would say in his definition of truth, “It [truth] is thus the relation of a judgment to something distinct from it which is called its ground.” In other words, truth is something relational and cannot be separated from its claimant. Among all the five criteria of truth that I mentioned in my last article, the most…
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