Going for a job interview can really make you nervous but being prepared is a great way to stay calm and nail the interview. Here is a list of some great tips to remember for your next job interview. 1. Schedule the interview for around 10:30 a.m. People are usually at their best at this time. It means they haven't just arrived at the office and they haven't been there so long that they're tired and in a bad mood. Tuesday is the best time of day because that's the day of the week people are usually the most productive. If you can't get an interview for this time, at least try to avoid setting one for the end of the day. That's the worst possible time because people want to hurry up and get out of the office so they aren't going to be focused. 2. Don't arrive too early. You might think it will make you look good if you arrive early but it could backfire. If you're way too early, you'll only look desperate and it puts a lot of pressure on the interviewer because they weren't expecting you so…
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