In one of the previous articles I wrote and published on this blog, I discussed the different criteria of truths – how the truth operates in the minds of the people. Therefore, to have a better understanding of what this “post truth” all about, reading my article entitled “Unraveling truth and its Many Faces” remains a highly recommended pre-requisite. However, as years, even an era, goes by, there is a sudden emergence of a different (another) interpretation or criterion of truth. This is more alarming that even natural or social scientists such as philosophers and sociologists alike must delve into to provide a thorough criticism and evaluation. Why? This criterion, which they called “post truth” goes against objective truth that was promoted and invested (intellectually) by these thinkers - inherited from the Greek civilization circa 800 BC or even earlier - to enrich the very foundation of knowledge through a systematic approach, guided by reason and valid arguments either…
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