What do you know about similarities and differences between American public schools and other countries' public schools? Here are five key features of Japanese Public Schools that stand out most from American education system. By DarklanlanTaken by Darklanlan [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons Well Planned LunchJapanese kids at elementary and junior high schools eat one menu lunch during their school lunch time. These lunch providers differ depending on the policy and mission of each city’s educational board. Some schools have their lunch staff and cooking room at their schools, and others schools may receive already-made lunch every day from a city’s lunch facility or contracted company. Depending on the city and school, the “level” of a meal is different. For example, I liked my elementary school lunch delivered every day from my city’s lunch providing facility but was envious of my cousin whose school provided its lunch with much more various monthly menus. On the other hand, my husband…
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