Ever been in a fight? I don’t mean a verbal conflict with somebody but an actual fight! Do you know how to protect yourself so that you don’t get hurt any more than necessary? I am surprised at the number of grownups that are so bad at it, that they literally resemble children when they fight. I have witnessed this enough times to notice that there is a lack of education regarding this issue in the world right now. I am not pro-fighting, but odds are, if you are a guy, there will come a time in your life when you will have to fight. The possibility of that happening is high, and your well-rehearsed logic, sound arguments or flight response will not save you. That means that if you have no idea what to do at that moment, you will definitely get your ass kicked. Here are some reasonable tips to increase your chances of getting through the experience in one piece. I am not advocating gratuitous violence here, and I hardly believe that fighting is the right answer to a problem.…
Generations Everyone has different expectations and thoughts regarding the different generations. The most common generations are the Silent Generation (age 70-90), The Baby Boomers (age 51-69), Generation X (36-50), and the Millennials (age 21-35). Each generation has its own distinct characteristics based off of experiences and events during the era they were living in. Generational Names in the United States, ThoughtCo My grandparents were from the Silent Generation and grew up during segregation and the civil rights movement. As a Millennial, I grew up in an era where we are embracing so much cultural diversity and advance technology; despite the adversity that follows. Another thing about generations is that each group had to overcome their own struggles in their time. People continue to age throughout other generation time periods. However, this does not play a huge significance in their lives; only the era that people are born and raised in impact their lives. Nonetheless, due to…
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