The Present Author will repeat a maxim he's uttered for decades now, which is still on track to prove out: "Bio-Technology will impact the 21st century to the same degree that computer technology impacted the 20th." Don't look now, but it's well on its way already! And let's be perfectly clear up front: I want it to happen. I think we're on the cusp of an exciting leap in science, a pathway to augment the building blocks of our biology, and I think we should embrace it. I want clones, GMOs, bio-hacking, genetically engineered super-beings, replicants, Jurassic Park, gene-editing, and genetic human enhancement. No, I'm not afraid of the consequences - we will have something squirmy get loose for a while at some point, no doubt, but I'm willing to take that risk ten times over rather than turn our backs on the progress we've made up until now. Let's back up a bit because the backlash against biotech has fired up before biotech has even gotten started… Here We Go With The Monkeys Again… …
Score: 1.46
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