While sitting in my favorite spot by the water, the last beams of sunlight warming my skin, I read these words (written by Lisa Gungor in her book The Most Beautiful Thing I’ve Seen) -
“But I’ve found my life is built on ordinary days of going in and coming out… This is where I’ve found grandness. This is where I’ve found what I believe about life and where I’ve found myself applauding others instead. It’s in long nights on a good porch, letting the silence sit next to you. It’s the hard things that hit or the people who teach, giving you eyes to see.”
I read these words and memories came flooding back, along with a few tears.
Suddenly, I am back in my grandparent’s kitchen drinking Irish breakfast tea and eating cinnamon rolls my aunt made. My aunt. Rhonda. Ten years later, I still feel the pain of loss gripping me as I think about her. I hold space for it a moment. Take a breath and let it go.
Who Am I
I often wonder who am I to talk to people about pain - something so personal…
Score: 1.18
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