Have you ever wandered through the forest after a rain and noticed the mysterious fruiting body of a fungus rising from the ground or the trunk of a tree? Have you ever harvested one?
Mushrooms are not only for gnomes and toads, there are a select few that are quite tasty and safe for non-gnomish consumption. Whether you saute a few morels and add them to pasta or dehydrate your boletes to make a rub, there is nothing more satisfying than putting food on your table you have harvested yourself. On second thought, maybe there is one thing more satisfying - the search itself. Hunting for these funky fungi can be even more fun than cooking one up in your favorite recipe. It provides a fun challenge while you take a relaxing walk in the woods and, let’s be honest, who couldn’t use a nice walk through the woods these days?
You should never eat any wild mushroom, plant, or fruit you are not 100% certain is safe to consume. I will only be discussing a few mushrooms that taste…
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