Meet up with friends over Zoom and enjoy some of the best music of the 2000s, for gatherings of any occasion! Find your favorite genres and styles below, match the vibe, and let these great records spin. With a little something for everyone, check out the list below and let your tastes be heard!
I'm all about the classic HIP-HOP sound, both from the old guys and the modern greats. I've heard all the best out there, and I want my rappers to be......brash and cocky
Jay-Z – American GangsterAmerican Gangster may not be the best Jay-Z album, but itcontains that undeniable East Coast "cool" quality that will please anyone worn out on The Blueprint and The Black Album. This record moves briskly with bravado as Shawn Carter raps about the struggle of the New York gangster lifestyle, drifting through a semi-conceptual story of the rise and fall of the American Gangster. Though Jay-Z frequently goes into a confessional mood on this album, he never leaves too much space between his typical…
Score: 1.06
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