In 2004, BBP produced its first feature film Hari Om, which was the directorial debut of Bharatbala. The film is slated for release in 2007. The film was the official selection at close to 40 international film festivals including Toronto International Film Festival and won several awards, including the New Voices Award at Bangkok International Film Festival, Audience Award for Best Film at Puchon International Film Festival (South Korea), Best Film Award at Salento Film Festival (Italy), German Star of India at Bollywood And Beyond, Stuttgart (Germany) and Audience Choice Award at Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles. The company is currently developing its second feature - an Indo-Japanese full-length feature film tentatively titled, The 19th Step. It will be the first Indian film on martial arts and will showcase the ancient Indian martial art form – Kalarippayattu - that later evolved into such esoteric, though better known martial art forms as Kung fu.
After making more than 500 TV commercials for both Indian and International brands in last 15 years, BBP expanded its scope of activities to include feature films and other projects driven by in house developed concepts. The most well known of these projects are the Vandemataram & Jana Gana Mana films. The Vandemataram film was the finalist at prestigious festivals like Cannes and New York Film Festival. The company has also made films/campaigns for the Ministry of Tourism (Government of India), India Brand Equity Fund and the Ministry of Tourism, Greece. The “Incredible India” campaign conceptualized and filmed by the company won several international awards including the 1st prize at The International Exhibition of Tourism TOUR SALON 2005 & 2006 in Poland and the film for India Brand Equity Fund was screened at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (January 2006).