123ish LLC will provide a Social Network Service that navigates the users through the discovery of the best solutions, tools, places, people, products, and ideas for their specific interests and matters of living.
In how many regions does 123ish currently cover?
US, Japan, Indonesia & India
What can I do on this site?
In this site, you can find credible information for your specific interests and questions raised in your daily life. You can also get prioritized news that may be helpful for you to enhance your important decision making. Moreover, you can stimulate discussion and publish a thought-provoking article on a specific topic of your interest. You may use your nickname or completely stay anonymous on your activity and be a part of the users who create useful, trustable and interesting information to others.
You can indicate likes of other users’ entries and their comments. You can also leave a comment to other’s entries or comments. Once your comments are public on the site, anyone on the site will be able to cite and indicate likes. Following specific users on this site will allow you to get most recent updates from them and send a public short message to them. These actions are just a small part of what you can do and you may create a community of a common interest. Again, you will complete all these activities either using your nickname or anonymously. The setting is changeable anytime.
How to create my account?
You need an email account.
Select a region from the welcome page (123ish.com) - an account is region agnostic
In the next page, click Sign-up at the header
Provide nickname and email address. Only a unique nickname is accepted.
A confirmation email will be sent to your address. Click the activation link in the email.
Provide password on the activation page
Welcome to 123ish!
Can I sign in on different location with an account created in some other region?
Yes, You can sign up in any local & can sign in in some other region.
How to submit an article?
A topic is up to your interest.
Select a target region from the welcome page
In the next page, sign-in from the “Sign in” at the header
After sign-in, open the left sidebar from the menu icon in the header
Select a category of your interest inside the left sidebar such as “Cell Phones & Accessories”. When you select a child category, which is indented under a parent category and has blue font under white background, you can skip the step 8.
On the next page, please confirm that you see the category name you selected under the header part
Select “Request Entry” from the pull-down menu on your nickname at the header
In the next page, type a new category name like “Smartphone”. The category name should be general, inclusive, and time-endurable as possible. Good: Smartphone. Bad “iPhone 4”. Click “Add”
In the next page, fill the title of your article with the Entry Name. Please write your essay/opinion/review at Description. You may upload associated images (3~5) and provide tags (2~4 keywords).
You can submit the article(entry) by clicking Preview and then Request
What are categories & how do they work on 123ish.com?
Categories form hierarchy structure to organize the articles and are two types. A leaf category is a conceptual container of entries, and a non-leaf category is a conceptual container of leaf categories. Top categories are all non-leaf categories. You may create a new leaf-category when you request an article from a non-leaf category. The maximum depth of a category is 2 steps from a top category.
How to edit my article?
You can edit a pre-approved article or admin may request you to edit an article before publishing the entry:
Go to MyPage from your nickname at the header
At the MyPage, open left-sidebar by clicking a menu icon under 123ish logo of the header
See Posted Entries there and click it
You may find your entry and an edit icon under the entry.
Click the icon, and you will move to the edit page
What is an Article & how do they work on 123ish.com?
An article (entry) consist of title, description, images, and tags and is a key information source for users. For each article, the discussion board is provided so that the community members can discuss the article. A user can also like the article and indicate trustworthily. A user can submit a new thought-provoking article after sign-in but an unlawful content or suggesting unlawful activity will be rejected.
Can I copy news/images from other places in my article?
Please Respect Copyright and Intellectual Property.
Please be aware of the fair use of any copyrighted materials, and to avoid violation of intellectual property and copyright laws.
You should avoid a copyrighted image used in news, blog, or any copyrighted content if the image itself has its core independent value. You may find a relevant image under creative commons license at a public image repository - https://creativecommons.org/use-remix/
If you use a part of the news, blog, or any copyrighted content, please make sure to cite the original source clearly, and put an URL to it if available. Do not copy a whole article even if you provide a citation. You may copy just a part of your own creative article - synopsis, comment, review, claim, opinion, and etc in a fair use.
Who can see my posted entries & comments?
Anyone who visits 123ish.com can see your posted entries & comments in public pages. You can also add your signature by selecting "with nickname" checkbox from Posted Entries and Comments. If not checking “with nickname” - private posting, these entries and comments are not shown in your MyPage when other users visit your page.
What can I control privacy/anonymity?
You can control privacy/anonymity of
Posted Entries
Liked Entries
Posted Comments
Liked Comments
Short Messages
Liked Short Messages
Users you follow
Users following you
Items of your newsfeed
You can control privacy/anonymity at your MyPage - in the left sidebar and in your newsfeed. The default setting is private/anonymous. You need to change the setting if you want to make your activity public. Private posted entries and comments - not checking “with nickname” - are published without your nickname. A private item is not published in newsfeed of anyone, including those who follow you, and not shown to those who visit your MyPage. The default is private.
Private liked entry and comment - not checking “public” - are not published in newsfeed of those who follow you, and your nickname is not shown in liking list of the entry and the comment. A private item is not shown to those who visit your MyPage. The default is private.
A private short message - not checking “public” - is not published in newsfeed of those who follow you and not shown to those who visit your MyPage. The default is private.
A private liked short message - not checking “public” - is not published in newsfeed of those who follow you, and not shown to those who visit your MyPage. Your nickname is not shown in liking list of the short message. The default is private.
A private item in your newsfeed - not checking “public” is not shown in your newsfeed when other user visits your MyPage. The default is private.
A private setting of Users You Follow - not checking “public” - is not shown in the list of “Users following You” of those whom you follow. It is not shown to those who visit your MyPage. You can anonymously follow a user. The default is private.
A private setting of Yours following You - not checking “public” - is not shown to those who visit your MyPage. The default is private.
What is a short message?
A short message is a message/news that you want to publish on newsfeed of your own and those who follow you. You can create a short message by clicking a tray icon at the right side of Newsfeed title in MyPage.
Privacy settings changed!
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