Deutsche Aero Lloyd (DAL) and Junkers Luftverkehr merged on January 6, 1926, to form Lufthansa Airlines, in Berlin. The airline was originally named as 'Deutsche Luft Hansa Aktiengesellschaft'. The name Lufthansa was first used in 1933 and since then, the airline is known by the name. Prior to the Second World War, Lufthansa excelled in its business, operated services on the routes to the Far East and covered a number of destinations in North Atlantic and South Atlantic parts, with a fleet of German designed aircrafts including Dornier, Junkers, Heinkel and Focke-Wulf.
Lufthansa is one of the premier airlines of the world and one of the largest in Europe, in terms of the number of passengers carried by it. The flag carrier of Germany derives its name from Luft (the German word for 'air') and Hansa (the Hanseatic Trade Organization that was active in Northern Europe, during the medieval period). Headquartered in Cologne, the major hub of the airline is located at Frankfurt Airport, in…
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