2 words… 2 words and what was once known as a pound sign lit up the internet, was stoked by celebrities and ignited the world into discussing a topic that once was too taboo to even speak behind closed doors. Though this movement has proven to make major waves in the world of the celebrity - with the big name arrests of Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein - what is happening for everyone else? What about the everyday woman without the money, power, and influence behind her?The first time I was attacked, I was 18. And when I say first time, I do mean first as it certainly wasn’t the last. As a woman living on my own, off at college far away from home… I knew what I was supposed to do to keep myself safe and to avoid almost anything that went bump in the night. I was a born and bred city kid, that was the only life I knew. But no matter how prepared you are for the what if’s and the maybes, when someone comes at you in broad daylight… the fear that clouded my mind was unbearable. I was…
I recall the first time a guy thought he had some unspoken right to my body, as he tried to force me into bed with him. I was able to get out of the situation before it escalated, but that moment haunted me for years. I was angry with him, but my anger did not come close to the shame I felt. I blamed myself, though the situation was entirely out of my control. I did not tell anyone about it for almost eight years
Instead, I let the shadows of shame creep in and set up residence. I began to have anxiety attacks and found myself struggling with an eating disorder and body shame. Why did I feel as if this thing that had been done to me was my fault?
It would take years for me to confidently answer this question; to find empowerment in my story and in other women’s stories. On the Subject of Empowerment I assume, by now, everyone is aware of the controversial performance by Jennifer Lopez and Shakira at the Super Bowl halftime show. I was not watching the night of the game, but a quick…
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