I see movies or series on TV or the internet exploring the nature of relationships and that leads me to wonder which one is better: monogamous or polygamous? I find monogamous relationships too old-fashioned while open relationships are too, well… open! I have tried both and finally came to my own conclusion, but I believe that others are struggling with this choice as well. The world is constantly changing and this change comes too fast for some of us. While I consider myself a sexually open-minded person, I do have my reservations about some of the more extreme practices. These reservations have been brought about by my upbringing, personality, and decision-making process.Let’s take a somewhat pragmatic, unbiased approach to differentiating between the two while outlining some of the pros and cons of each. I believe that to each his own and have learned not to judge people based on their sexual convictions. This is a brief explanation of these sexual preferences, with emphasis on…
The day you broke me wasn't the day you attacked me. The day you broke me wasn't the days, weeks or months that followed. The day you broke me wasn't even the hours upon hours I spent crying in my shower. The day you broke me was far worse than any of that... and I can't rid myself of that feeling. I can't take back how small, scared, or broken I felt the minute you came strolling back into my life as if nothing was wrong. As if you had never done all of those horrible things... and I was just supposed to be okay with it. You came, and everyone welcomed you back as a hero, applauded coming home victorious; while I had to sit and watch in fear. While they all saw the prodigal son returning home, I prayed - clamping my eyes shut, afraid to peer into yours. Afraid what I would see would be the same as that day. When I finally worked up the courage to open my eyes once again, even from across the room, I felt the ice in your stare; and my fear returned. I was frozen in my place; I couldn't…
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