While the use of sex toys has seen an increase in public acceptance in the last years, they still have a stigma attached to them, which has to do with the older generations’ mentality that a man and a woman don’t need anything else in bed but each other. I agree, but throw a couple of sex toys in there as well and you got yourself a party. Sex toys have been used since forever. This is nothing new, but as I was growing up the idea of people using such “vile contraptions” in bed was unthinkable to respectable couples and they, at least publicly, completely rejected the idea. I never had a problem with it and as soon as I found a girl who was willing to try them, I got my hands on a sex toy “starter kit” and went to work. This has become a part of my sex life very early on and I always saw it as normal but many of my friends, especially guys, were completely against it. This got me thinking and I realized that it has something to do with their ego. Men are proud creatures. They are…
This may come as a shock to some of you, but… I'm a geek! Geeks are marked by a natural inclination for complex, involved toys and expensive, solitary hobbies. But in between building the ultimate gaming PC or tinkering with Arduino kits to make custom Christmas light patterns, there's one hallmark geek toy that doesn't get brought up much. I'm talking, of course, about Lego. Sure, we all remember the canonical brick building toy from our childhoods. Back when Legos just came in a loose bucket of bricks and you had to supply the imagination yourself, those were the pioneer days that sorted the true engineers from the chaff. In recent decades, Lego has abandoned free-form bulk block sets to focus on unique sets intended to build one specific model and only that model. To those of us from Generation X and previous, when we could be trusted to have these foreign thoughts called "ideas" and "inspiration," this new standard for Legos sounds like a fun-spoiler. But when The Lego Movie (2014)…
This will come as a shock coming from me, seeing as how I'm a technology booster from way back, but sometimes we need to take our eyes off the glowing screens for a minute. Yes, it's tempting to stay glued to phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops - I have to for work, anyway - but the eyes and brain could use a rest from 24/7 electronic stimulation. And that's when it's time for non-digital amusements. I've already blogged about Magic: The Gathering here and Legos here, so now this is a round-up of simple, idle amusements for the office desktop. The ideal office desk toy is a stress-relief activity that's not too involving. It's not meant to be a diversion for concentrated hours, just something to fiddle with while you make up your mind whether to fulfill the spreadsheet reformatting request or just tell Records to get stuffed. Or while you solve your app's library conflict in the back of your mind. Or ruminate on whether to continue productivity for the day with another cup of Joe or…
a million geek gift lists out there, but this one is mine! What makes my gift list this year different from everybody else's? Sure, you can technically argue it's by
me, but what else? Well, I take a different
attitude towards it.
I recommend stuff I either own presently or would like to have.
I stick to non-franchise stuff. Yes, I know, Baby Yoda owns Christmas 2019 already, but what's the point of sticking him on yet another list anyway? What if you somehow found somebody who is not a Star Wars fan? (CRAZY, but horrifyingly possible!)
I stick to fun stuff. You can get me practical, useful stuff the rest of the year. Christmas is for spending all day playing with your fun new toys.
I ignore collectible figurines. They're out there if you want them, God knows somebody has to rescue ten million Funko Pop figures from landfills. But I go for the stuff you can actually play with.
I recommend geek toys for any age, but steer clear of intentionally educational STEM-marketed stuff.…
Score: 1.02
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