Dancing Through The Mud What comes to mind when you think of the term “thrill seeker”? Some people envision a person who finds solace skydiving and whirling through the atmosphere at a rate of -9.8 meters per square second. Enjoyable activities definitely cultivate the human nervous system and release norepinephrine and dopamine, and some of us are more prone to seek out these behaviors due to these neurotransmitter releases. For myself, I have lived to partake in 5k Mud Runs like the Warrior Dash, also a philanthropic way to donate to St. Jude. What The Warrior Dash Is? To begin, the Warrior Dash is a 5k obstacle course that started in 2009 and has participants in over fifty locations in the world. Obstacles ominously approach us in life, which is why my zealous heart yearned to combat my fears of roasting warmer than an over-burned, toasty marshmallow. The Warrior Dash completes itself with my fright over the fire by having each participant willingly…
Photo of a woman with a goiter. (Photo by By Drahreg01 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2688708). I've recently been feeling pretty bad so I went to a family doctor and she did a lot of tests to see if anything might be wrong with me. As it turns out, I have hypothyroidism. I looked up the symptoms later when I got home and it definitely seemed to match what I had been experiencing. In fact, I've been having many of these symptoms for years. Some of them I never bothered to do anything about simply because they were symptoms that can be related to so many different illnesses. I assumed if I mentioned them to a doctor my concerns would just be brushed off. I also learned that many people confuse the difference between hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. So I thought I'd explain the difference. First of all, your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that controls several important body functions, including your metabolism. It…
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