Okay, I hate to break it to you, but you can't cure the common cold. Come on now, if I knew the cure for it I'd be rich. But there are certain things you can do to make your suffering a little more bearable. Before we get into ways to alleviate the cold let's talk about antibiotics.You don't need them. You might be thinking, "But don't I need them to help prevent bacterial infections that might happen as a result of complications from the cold?" No. "But maybe I have a virus and a bacterial…
Before proceeding to the income inequality, we have to know that what inequality is? Basically, inequality refers to the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc than other people. It is an instance of disparity. There are various factors, which we consider when we talk about inequality such as: ➢ Social Status ➢ Wealth ➢ Opportunity for people or groups etc. Based on the above definition, income inequality is an uneven distribution of income among the…
It seems like if there is a product out there that everyone needs, there is a subscription service that will send it right to your door. From food to razors, having subscriptions has taken on a whole new meaning to mean so much more than just magazines and newspapers. Being a college student, I have tried many a subscription service. From beauty boxes, food delivery services, or even my Amazon Student Account that seems to always remain. However, there is one service that I think is totally…
Psychopaths make up close to one percent of our general population and about 25 percent of male convicts in prisons are psychopaths. These are people that show a lack of empathy toward others, a lack of guilt or remorse. They also have very shallow emotions, they can be impulsive, have superficial charm, and a grandiose sense of self-worth. But many psychopaths are people that never actually commit horrible crimes or hurt others. According to researchers, brain scans of psychopaths show an…
There is a surge of superficiality in the world right now, a trend that has, regrettably, also influenced me. I have had a date with destiny that was long overdue and been faced with the harsh reality that I ultimately created for myself. It was brutal, and I had to deal with the consequences of my poor life choices, only to discover that I was ill-equipped for real life. This is a tale of caution but also one of hope, depending on your perspective. People, under enough pressure, will change…
It's important to stay healthy but most of us just focus on our bodies. But our brains are just as important. There are lots of things you can do to make sure you have a healthy brain. Here are few tips for improving your brain's health. 1. Eat unprocessed foods. This is a great tip because it's important for your body as well. Try to eat foods like seafood, red meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, and fruits. It's best to avoid or at least limit foods that are high in grain like corn, wheat, rice…
Usually when people think of working out, the thoughts of running a marathon of lifting hefty weights in the gym come to mind. There is a myriad of types of exercise, and I am going to tell you about a few of them. What Is Pilates?Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the 20th century by Joseph Pilates. Pilates is the method of controlled movements; it builds strength, incorporates flexibility, has an emphasis on controlled breathing, and overall works out the abdominals…
I was an EMT for about 5 years and I learned a lot about heart attacks. When most people think about heart attack symptoms, they think of stabbing chest pain. But that isn't always how a heart attack presents and this is especially true when it comes to women. Women tend to have much less severe signs and symptoms than men. Many people don't know that though, which is dangerous because a woman may have a heart attack and not seek out medical help. Regardless of what's going on with your body, if…
A couple of years ago when I worked at Cumberland Falls State Park, a young boy and his dad came to a program I was hosting - a craft program that involved making picture frames out of sticks, leaves, pinecones, and other materials found on the forest floor
The three of us went on a hike and the boy picked out all the materials he needed. As he was building his frame he picked up a pinecone that was quite battered and broken. Next to it laid a whole pinecone. It was, for all intents and…
Growing up in West Virginia, I spent a lot of time with older people and I've heard a lot of old wives tales. Some of them are funny, some of them are just plain wrong, but surprisingly some of them actually have some truth to them. Here are just a few of the things I've heard. 1. Put a bar of soap in your bed sheets to prevent leg cramps. If that isn't the weirdest and silliest thing I've ever heard, I don't know what is. Despite the fact that there have been no scientific studies to explain…
For several years I had gallbladder attacks quite often because I had gallstones but unfortunately, I didn't have any health insurance so I couldn't afford the surgery to have my gallbladder removed. After suffering for about 5 years I was finally able to get the surgery and I've been doing well ever since. But needless to say, I became very familiar with all the signs and symptoms of a gallbladder attack. Here are some things you should know about them. Your gallbladder is a tiny organ that…
Technology has gained in popularity over the last decade and has secured a fairly central place in our life. While the advantages of using it are obvious and praised more often than the Second Coming, the downsides are not mentioned as often. People have used to stay up late for any number of reasons. This is not something new. Before the internet era, watching television until the late hours of the night was responsible for a good portion of grumpy employees and students in the morning. Things…
I live in an area of WV that has an extremely high opioid addiction rate. Many people are addicted to other substances as well (like alcohol or cocaine). I have several friends and family members that are in recovery. When someone you love decides to go into recovery it's important to show them support. Here are some things you can do to help someone if they're in recovery from addiction. 1. Remember that addiction is a "family disease". An addict isn't the only person that suffers from their…
Dancing Through The Mud What comes to mind when you think of the term “thrill seeker”? Some people envision a person who finds solace skydiving and whirling through the atmosphere at a rate of -9.8 meters per square second. Enjoyable activities definitely cultivate the human nervous system and release norepinephrine and dopamine, and some of us are more prone to seek out these behaviors due to these neurotransmitter releases. For myself, I have lived to partake in 5k Mud Runs like…
Photo of a woman with a goiter. (Photo by By Drahreg01 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2688708). I've recently been feeling pretty bad so I went to a family doctor and she did a lot of tests to see if anything might be wrong with me. As it turns out, I have hypothyroidism. I looked up the symptoms later when I got home and it definitely seemed to match what I had been experiencing. In fact, I've been having many of these symptoms for years. Some of them…
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