Without pollinators, the human race and earth’s terrestrial ecosystems could not survive. That may be a heavy note to start on, but it is crucial to know the importance of pollinator species, such as bees, butterflies, and some birds. Everything from agriculture to lovely wildflower meadows depend upon them.
The vast majority of plants cannot reproduce on their own. More than one-third of the world’s crop production is only possible through pollination. The vegetables, fruits, and nuts we enjoy need bees and other pollinators to carry pollen (the yellow dust you see on bees hairy legs) from the male system (anthers) of the flower to the female system (stigma). This process results in the fertilization of the plant, which is what allows it to produce fruit.
Pollinators are not only important for our food sources, however. They also help maintain the entire ecosystem. “Approximately 80-95% of the plant species found in natural habitats require animal-mediated pollination”. The food…
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