This article is selected for 123ish 3D Gold Coin Art Collection NFT I'm here to tell you about a vegetable menace that is the AIDS of the plant world. If you live in most parts of North America, these plants have you surrounded. They're butt-ugly brown sticks thrusting phallically into the sky in unnatural rows, crowned by a spidery fright-wig of spikes. They look like a raspberry on a stick. I'm talking, of course, about the omnipresent palm tree, found everywhere in your city. It doesn't matter…
What comes to mind when you think of flowers? Wedding ceremonies? Valentine’s Day? The truth is, flowers are plentiful and have many abstract meanings and uses. I will also elaborate methods to plant flowers, introduce types of annuals, and mention which types of flowers I have planted myself. Pansy Annual Types Flower More Easily To begin, pansies are a great flower for the beginning gardener. They’re some of the first blooms you can plant to celebrate the start of the…
Without pollinators, the human race and earth’s terrestrial ecosystems could not survive. That may be a heavy note to start on, but it is crucial to know the importance of pollinator species, such as bees, butterflies, and some birds. Everything from agriculture to lovely wildflower meadows depend upon them.
The vast majority of plants cannot reproduce on their own. More than one-third of the world’s crop production is only possible through pollination. The vegetables, fruits, and nuts we enjoy…
Hello, I'm "Penguin" Pete, the guy with the
indignant rant about palm trees you all seem to love. I'm back today to talk about an even worse environmental blight, and even more pervasive intrusion on our living space: GRASS! You don't notice grass. Those of you who live in cities are barely even accustomed to seeing plants anymore, so you never stop to think that our obsession to coat the Earth in a fuzzy layer of green micro-plants is anything abnormal. But we have all grown up used to suburban…
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