do you start talking about American politics?Where do you end? You
can enter and exit at any point in the vacuum of the space-time
continuum like a neutrino, heard by nobody and affecting nothing. The
great wasteland of American politics in the 21st century
is that way because of the polarized division of everything into two
opposite parties. It is an extreme polarization because both parties
and all of the politicians in them keep discovering that they can say
and do anything and still get elected by their party. Given this
off-the-rails behavior, the two parties have arbitrarily occupied the
two most vapid niches that any political party in history has ever
occupied. They are:
Anti-society (Republicans)
Pro-society (Democrats)
nothing much changes no matter which party has the majority, since
they hold everything in deadlock. Other countries stand in amazement
at the state of the US, but they have to understand one crucial
thing: it's all talk. We just…
Score: 1.08
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