At the end of 2018, the South Korean Navy destroyer Gwanggaeto the Great (KDX-I) irradiated the Japanese maritime SDF patrol aircraft (P-1) with a fire control radar (FC radar) within the Japanese EEZ of the Sea of Japan. South Korean government has denied the radar irradiation, and never proposed any preventive measure even though the Japanese government has asked for from the beginning of this incident. Why there is no productive cooperation between Japan and South Korean governments? I think…
Us Democratic Party Vectors by Vecteezy Has it been 4 years already? My, how time flies when your country is held in the iron grip of the new Nazi reich! Why, just a few ICE roundups ("The goal is to terrorize"), concentration camps, and blatant systematic sex trafficking barons, and it's like the first term of "I still can't believe he's president" Trump just flew by! Yet oddly, we have all aged a couple centuries in four years. Which makes my job here as a political prophet this election season…
I don't volunteer to write about politics, you know. They make me here. I am of course glad to rave about the circus clowns as much as the next guy, I have my tweets and stand by them. But in the big picture, I know it doesn't do any good. The United States has transcended politics now. Elections, primaries,
democracy, laws, impeachment, parties, these things mean nothing in
the United States. They mean nothing because that's what the people
want them to do. It doesn't matter
at this point…
There is an old saying that goes: "The greatest lie the devil ever told was convincing the world he didn't exist." The Present
Author will paraphrase that to fit our topic: The
Greatest Lie Russia Ever Told Was That The Cold War Is Over. Oh, we thought so! We had our Reagan / Gorbachev moment, with all that mushy perestroika and glasnost and goodwill getting gooey all over each other. Anybody remember the
feel-good wave we all had as the Berlin Wall came down? Jesus Jones launched us into the…
do you start talking about American politics?Where do you end? You
can enter and exit at any point in the vacuum of the space-time
continuum like a neutrino, heard by nobody and affecting nothing. The
great wasteland of American politics in the 21st century
is that way because of the polarized division of everything into two
opposite parties. It is an extreme polarization because both parties
and all of the politicians in them keep discovering that they can say
and do anything and…
The more days past, the farther Donald Trump seems to drift from his party. Though he ran on the Republican ticket, many were confused at his choice as in years past he had identified almost strictly as a democrat. Though he has made decisions that aligns him with both sides of the political spectrum. One day he is on board with the democrats, asking republicans to bend the knee; the next he is praising republicans and condemning democrats. However, recent developments in the Immigration debate…
For anyone unaware of the current political situation here in America, President Trump has backed to the hilt his nominee for the supreme court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, despite all of the news circulating about Kavanaugh’s sordid past not just with women, but with alcohol abuse among other concerns. Now, the one thing I will agree with Trump is that it should be innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent; however, I figure this is how men have treated women for how many…
It has been a rough year. From the fashion community, we lost Kate Spade; from television and culinary, we lost Anthony Bourdain. And now recently with the loss of the superstar Aretha Franklin, some people were shocked to learn that just a few days later John McCain had passed away. Before I go any further, let me say that this is completely an opinion piece so you do not have to agree with me, all I ask is that you read and try to understand my perspective as a young person and maybe try to…
By 2060, over 30 percent of the American population will be Latino. That is almost double what it stands at right now. But if you look at where it can be decades from now, what you might want to look at is creating a movement for one half of the community that is not getting enough attention – Latina women. Shaping the New Minority The reality of the U.S. becoming a “minority majority” country grows closer as more local communities dramatically shift in demographics. Even outside the big cities…
Score: 1.06
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