Chef's Tips for Better Burgers Burgers might just be my favorite food. Now, there's not a thing wrong with the good old-fashioned American Cheeseburger, in fact, it's awesome, but if you feel like expanding your horizons just a bit, here are my three favorites "gourmet" burger styles, as well as some tips for cooking a better burger. All the patties for these recipes are prepped and grilled the same way, so it's easy to make a big batch of one recipe, or set up a burger-bar and let your guests…
I started out, many years ago, grilling with a good old fashioned Weber Kettle, the most popular
charcoal grill in American since, well...ever. 😉 Sadly, these marvels of simplicity rarely get used to their full potential. Sure, you can grill up endless burgers, dogs, and brats…and they’ll be awesome, but let’s look at some advanced (dare I sayHome Chef?) techniques to take
this old classic to the next level! I have used the Weber to make everything from jerky, to smoked salmon, to traditional…
This ancient Cambodian grilled chicken recipe, called Mann Oeng K’tem Sor, may look complicated, but it’s really just a series of simple steps.
The stone walls of the
Bayon temple in Cambodia, built at the end of the 12th A.D, includes an amazing series of bas-relief pictures of the army supply
trains, encampments, field kitchens, and some of the earliest depictions of
Asian barbecue. Specifically,
you'll see chicken skewered on split sticks and grilled over
pyramid-shaped fires. Nine…
One of the biggest factors in cooking good food is using good food to cook. This is a point we stress over and over, with every kid that comes through our cooking program. Not expensive food, not even "fancy" food (though that can be a lot of fun when you can swing it), but good, real, recognizable food. Start small, instead of buying that can of diced tomatoes, buy three Roma tomatoes (about the same price), dice them in a bowl, and sprinkle a little salt and sugar on them. 10 minutes later…
If you’re going to spend any time in the kitchen, you’re going to have to learn how to chop vegetables. Proper chopping, slicing, and dicing techniques help us reduce waste, stay safe, and improve the taste and texture of our dishes. Those of us who grew up under tyrannical chef-fathers, toiling away in the Dickens-esque sweat-shops of their prep kitchens (sorry Dad, just trying to make a point…), may have spent months or years doing little else than chopping veggies, and take the techniques…
I know that this title is going to bring some folks here lookin’ for a fight, so before you start sharpening your pitchforks and hurling your organic, fair-trade rotten tomatoes, let’s be clear… I love the farm-to-table concept. I love my local farmer’s markets, and I take every opportunity to support my local artisan food purveyors; in part, because I believe it’s the healthy and more socially responsible choice, but also because the food just tastes better! However, my love and support for the id…
I’m a big believer that bbq and grilling should be a part of everyone’s meal planning all year ’round. In fact, I find that my appetite is sharper when cooking in colder weather, and food out of the smoker, or off the grill… like these steaks, taste better. Amazing Traeger Steaks Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes smoke, 10 minutes cook Pellets: Oak 2 – 1 1/2 inch thick Rib-eye or New York Strip steaks Seasoned salt to taste Herb Butter (see recipe below.) Season steaks on both sides…
Score: 1.2
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