The lights go up, the curtain draws back, and suddenly the person you are fades away to reveal the character you desire to share comes out. This is what my first drama teacher told me when she was relaying to us how it feels moments before you step out onto the stage for the first time. I have spent a large amount of time in musical theater and this thought always ran through my mind moments before I would take the stage. In this piece, I will be detailing different roles I have played and what…
I've been watching a new show on Netflix called Altered Carbon. It's based on a book by Richard K. Morgan and takes place in a futuristic society where rich people can live for hundreds of years (or possibly forever). A new technology has allowed people to be implanted with a disk called a "stack" in the back of their neck which stores their personality and memories. When your body dies, as long as your stack is still intact, it can be put into another body. When someone is put in prison, their…
Recently the excellent post by OldFashionedMillenial, titled "Is Disney Monopolizing Hollywood?," has been getting a lot of hits and general buzz. So the Editors That Be asked the Present Author to weigh in. What a fortunate pass this is because I happen to have a lot on my mind about Disney. See, I grew up in Southern California, in the south of L.A., and quite a bit of my time was spent in Anaheim, California, home to Disneyland itself. My step-dad worked there as a night engineer. He'd score…
I will start by saying that I am a fan of Psychological Thrillers, not anything involving horror. Unfortunately, however, recently those two genres seem to be hand in hand. Despite this, there is one film that has made waves across the board with thriller spectators; which surprised everyone when it’s author was a man who up until this point has almost exclusively been known for his comedic talents. Could this film be the start of a whole new era for the psychological thriller genre, or is it…
Let me preface this by saying that this review is not a reflection on the actors or the people who put this show together, this is strictly a review of content and show writing and conception. Dealing with divorce - as many who have struggled through this type of life event - is not just a difficulty felt by the two people who are separating. It is felt by the parents of each person, friends, children, and even pets. It can be terrible, horrible, heart wrenching, and life disrupting among so…
Score: 1.28
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