To earn passive income, you will have to understand the difference between active and passive income first of all. Active money is very volatile and requires continuous effort to keep building and increasing. On the other hand, passive income requires skill, passion, mentor, the right mindset, confidence, and hard work. Passive income for your coming generations is a healthy sign that you availed the right opportunity at the right time. I am going to tell you the methods which can make you earn…
If you'd like to make some extra money you might want to consider working as a brand ambassador. There are several different companies that hire people to do this. I only have experience working for one (Big Orange Productions) so that's the one I'll discuss today. But most of these companies are pretty similar so I'll go through the pros and cons of working for these types of companies. Lack of contact with co-workers and supervisors. This could be a pro or a con depending on your attitude. I…
Whether you are an affiliate marketer or an entrepreneur, you need to be quiet impressive and feel good about your job so as to convince a large number of people to offer their services. People want high-pay jobs, side benefits, and reliance for them to perform the desired task. So, make it easy for one to perform a task, set high wages and side-benefits as well. In addition, you have to assure people about the transparency of the jobs you are offering and no scam. In these ages, people know the…
There are those among us that reach greatness. We notice many of them only after they managed to grab the attention through some impressive achievement. News of these exceptional men and women circulate and make us wonder just how they did it. The easy answers most of us come up with are: “They are naturally talented, otherwise they wouldn’t be standing there, receiving praise”, “They must have had the right connections, so an easy ride to the top was a given”, “That person is an as**le that…
We have been taught to strive for success for as long as we can remember. This is the directive beaten into our heads since we could understand language and it is one of the main goals we set for ourselves. We know that achieving mastery in a field is the way to go because it was told to us so often, that it became a core belief in our psyche. We were also told that the road to success is not an easy one and that we would have to endure many hardships along the way. This is all true, but…
‘How did I get this position?’ ‘How did I trick the jury panel to hire me?’ ‘What would happen if they realize that I am not capable and perfect fit for this vacancy?’ ‘Oh God! I feel like I am a fraud’ Have you ever been pinched by such thoughts? such questions? If yes! Then you are not alone in this. A huge proportion of population, specifically entrepreneurs, suffer from this syndrome which is recognized as ‘Imposter Syndrome’. Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon which tricks your…
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